Let's play fact-checking bingo!

Do you use fact-checking in your everyday life? You should. We took part in the Opinion festival in Paide where we organized a workshop and our founder Julia Rodina talked about how fact-checking saves lives.
Thank you, German Embassy in Tallinn, for your support! Many thanks also to the National Library of Estonia for inviting us to your media literacy tent. 

So, how the everyday fact-checking is done? Easy. And it really can save your life, money, health and nerves. 

  • Always check the source of information!
  • If you hesitate, check the information via several sources. 
  • Check the photo source here: https://tineye.com
  • Look at the article or post: is it a fact or a rumour?
  • Or is it a fact or an opinion?

Let's play some Fact-checking bingo! 

Tuleviku Meedia will take part in the Opinion Festival in Paide
Teachers from Tallinn, Harjumaa and Ida-Virumaa participated in our media literacy project

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