RusERR portal has published Future Media+ Camp alumni articles

In September 2022, as part of a partnership with the Estonian Public Broadcasting portal RusERR and the TV channel ETV+, the texts of the graduates of our media project Future Media+ Camp were published on 

The young journalists created articles on a very wide range of topics and applied all the new media knowledge gained during the project. 

Topics: the benefits of working during the summer (including learning Estonian, self-improvement, and overcoming fears); street art, the history and community behind it; religion in Estonia and how people discover faith; Russian-language stand-up community in Estonia. 

August 22-26, 2022, Future Media+ Camp, a media literacy project for young people organized by NPO Tuleviku Meedia, took place in Tallinn. The project was carried out in partnership with Estonian Public Broadcasting: Russian-language news portal and the TV channel ETV+. We are very grateful for the support from British Council!

The goal of the project was to tell the young audience about how media is created, to provide participants with a set of useful and applicable media tools, so that they can use them at school and in everyday life, to inspire young people to create journalistic formats and boost their interest in the field of media. 


To learn Estonian and save a client's health: young people sum up the results of the summer part-time job season -

Art on the verge of the law: street-art can surprise, outrage and inspire - link

A poll and personal experience: how people in Estonia discover faith - link

A microphone stand, a stool, a joke: how Russian-Language stand-up comedy show STP helps the youth to find themselves and friends - link 

This project is carried out in cooperation with British Council in Estonia as part of the People to People Cultural Engagement Programme. Find more info about British Council’s work in Estonia at
Photos: the final day and graduation of the Future Media+ Camp
Interview for ETV+ and Radio 4 about Media literacy month in Estonia and our new project for educators

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