Media literacy and European awareness training for teachers in Tallinn

A few days before Europe Day in Tallinn, we held the last part of our Media Literacy and European awareness training. Russian-speaking teachers from Tallinn and Ida-Viru County participated in the project. The training was organised and supported by the European Commission Representation in Estonia.
We talked about the code of journalism ethics, current European issues, media literacy teaching methods and discussed participants' homework.

Our topics also included the European elections and how they are reflected in the press and on social media. Participants tried their hand at being reporters and fact-checkers.

Both groups of the project finished the second day of training at the European Experience Centre, where we discovered for ourselves the possibilities. Many teachers are already planning to come back with their classes.

Trainer - Julia Rodina, Tuleviku Meedia founder.
Emotions, meetings and know-how. The first Tuleviku Meedia Media Literacy Conference
American Space Tallinn hosted our project for educators

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